1. Kerning- refers to the adjustment of lateral space between letters in words and sentences. The term “bad kerning” has become as established term, and there are many examples online, showing how sloppy spacing can cause wording to become awkward or take on a different meaning. There’s even a subreddit for “bad kerning”: https://www.reddit.com/r/badkerning
2. Emphasis- to give something focus or prominence. To highlight as the most important part.
3. Descender- the portion of a letter which descends below the line on which the letters are placed. Examples of letters with descenders include: y, p, j,q, and g.
4. Visual Impact- the result of an image which is aesthetically pleasing, draws the eye’s attention, and lasts in the viewers memory after the initial sighting. Visual impact is subjective, since everyone has unique aesthetic preferences.