[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]PLE: All the World’s a Dance Studio


I have been in dance for most of my life. My learning is well suited to dancing which requires watching then doing over and over until perfect. In my dance experience, you listen to the music until you get the beat, then you watch the choreographer/ instructor do a move, then you do it, the instructor gives you tips on what to fix, and then you do it again.

Listening to the music helps you understand your identity, your foundation. Once you sync with that you can begin. To me that is similar to doing the reading, the book learning.

Watching the teacher do the moves is like being in a lecture. You hear the reading interpreted just like the music is interpreted through dance.

You then engage in the conversation and bring what you can to it.

The instructor then gives you feedback on how to refine your skills or tells you that you got it.

Finally, you do the moves over and over and soon you will be able to create your own dance.


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