Learning Goals Reflection

  1. Gain better understanding of programs and what they can do.
    1. I was able to find out more about different programs based on the marketing research I did, listening to presentations in class, and by asking about other programs for my own projects.
  2. Understand in what job situations programs we learn about would be used. For instance, would the same program that is used in theatre also be used in a museum? In the same way?
    1. It looks like there is a lot of crossover in programs used for different types of arts organizations. Making programs work for whatever is needed seems to be a talent of arts organizations. Hiring marketing directors, not so much.
  3. I would like to learn more about how to target people. Rather than just understanding targeting theoretically, I would like to know specific instances where targeting is useful and how to apply that.
    1. Facebook is apparently a great tool for using targeted marketing techniques.
  4. I would also like to learn more about how marketing teams work.
    1. I did not get into this a whole lot, but this whole class was sort of like a marketing team. Collaborating with my partner Lauren was a really helpful way of thinking outside the box.
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