Lexicon #2

1.C.R.A.P (all words with the exception of Proximity were suggested)

Contrast: Contrast makes me think of color and how those colors speak to each other. The idea that one color will make another pop.

Repetition: Seeing an element be repeated in design to give it added emphasis.

Alignment: Where elements are situated in terms of their adherence to a path or to their orientation on a page. (Left, right, etc.)

Proximity: Where elements are in relation to each other. Depending on the proximity of shapes, a particular element may be emphasized or upstaged. Like if there’s a group of shapes in one area and another shape away from the group. The shape that is away from the group has the attention and also seems special or isolated.

2. Vector

The direction of something. In physics, a vector is the direction and motion in which a thing is moving.

3. Rasterize

Making an image into pixels so it can be printed better.

4. Opacity

How solid an element looks. Something that is less opaque will look faded. It’s the opposite of translucent which is the term costumers use to describe how much someone can see through a fabric.

5. Unification (optional)

Having everything come together and complete a look.

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