This week’s discussions where a theme of how to ethically designing an exhibit. Going to JSMA was an eye opener of how external factors really impact how a museum is perceived by the individual viewer. One aspect always on my mind includes how children perceive museum like JSMA. I may even do a research topic on the matter. Are museum trying to be more family friendly? Or is that a demographic that is not their most concern?

One thing I can say that I have learned during this course and the Cultural Museum is that it is subjective for the individual to how they perceive their environment.  There are also so many other decisions that effect how the environment is perceived. For example, how JSMA has so many doors that they seem closed off. I remember my first visit I was not sure if you were allowed to see the Chinese collection. However, they have to do this due to temperature control that helps preserve the works.  I have seen the same issue with another museum and knew that it was the reason they had numerous doors. Not every viewer has this knowledge but hopefully it starts a conversation and that viewer can learn something new.  Some of these “issues” should bring a dialogue and it was great to discuss all the different experienced in JSMA.