Artifact Seven: Google Image Remix

Unit Objectives

Original Post: Google Image Remix


This was by far my favorite assignment of the term. Taking the time to think about what it means to be an artist and then to be able to translate those thoughts into a collage was awesome. This assignment really ties in well with Week 3’s material, which was about what art is (Week 3’s main artifact was the quiz). I absolutely loved the way my collage turned out and felt it depicted what it means to be an artist perfectly. Through this process I was able to examine my own values and paradigms. Given we had an assignment on our values earlier in the term, I was able to develop a good understanding of how those values differ from my values as an artist. After recording my values, I got to actually feel the emotions of taking ownership and authorship of a piece of art when I created my collage with the words I thought of. The original piece below is collage that depicts some of my values, such as passion, vibrant, and compassion, as an artist. Additionally, we were given multiple supporting sources to hear about others’ values, such as hearing Larry Lessig’s TED talk. Having these additionally resources helped me examine others’ values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.


Caption: This collage depicts some of the values I hold dear to my heart as a person and artist. The bottom heart illustrates compassion while the lion is a symbol of being bold.

The reason why this artifact helped me meet the objective of examining my own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media because I was able to not only research and hear about others’ values, but also experience the paradigms and define my values. One thing I noticed is that my values came through, especially in the images I selected, in this artifact. I am very proud of this artifact and will most likely keep it because I feel such a strong sense of ownership and authorship for the piece.


This assignment was very rewarding and also eye opening in the sense that there are so many images available on the Internet. I love the idea of taking a piece of art and remaking it into something new, which is what a collage is. I’m going to try to find ways to remix art in new ways to create even more visually appealing art. One thing I really liked about the collage is that I felt it depicted the message so well, which can sometimes be hard to do. Going forward I believe there will be more remixing culture due to there seems to be a growing trend of assimilation and acculturation.

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