Artifact Five: Creative Spirituality Reflection

Unit Objectives

Original Post: Creative Spirituality Response


The assignment of defining multiple terms such as spirituality, religion, and creativity in Week 7 aided me to then discuss the differences between spirituality and religion. The artifact starts with my definition of spirituality, which discusses how it relates to religion. While people may assume religion and spirituality is the same, it is not, which I discuss in this artifact. With having an understanding of religion from my many years in Catholic school, I was able to discuss the difference between spirituality and religion once my definition of spirituality was cleared outlined.

The reason why this artifact helped me meet the objective of discussing the difference between spirituality and religion is because it clearly states my definitions of spirituality and how it differs from religion. By reflecting on the questions asked for the assignment, I was able to develop a deeper understanding of the differences between spirituality and religion. Also by understanding the differences, it is now more clear to understand whether a piece of art is inspired by religion, the artist’s spirituality, or both, which is demonstrated in the artifact about creative spirituality. The original piece below is a collage of my view of creativity and how it influences artists’ views.


Caption: This collage consists of images of creativity. For example, the brain in the left corner illustrates how the mind can create value, which is displayed by the vibrant colors coming from the brain. The centerpiece image illustrates creativity spirituality by the colors, which symbolize the persons spirituality.

I decided to use the technique we used in Week 8 to create the multimedia for all of artifacts in the portfolio.


As mentioned previously creativity is a very interesting topic to me so pairing that with my strong spirituality resulted in creative spirituality being a very beneficial topic for developing my overall knowledge and learning. The beauty of creative spirituality is that there are multiple ways a person can develop and alter their spirituality. I will continue to look for ways to strengthen my creative spirit and grow my spirituality.

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