People Watching

Eugene is an interesting city to people watch in given all the different styles and people. There are many places to people watch in Eugene, especially on campus. I decided to people watch at the UO rec center.

The first person was an older white man who looked like a teacher. He had a tattoo of a cross on his left calf. He looked rather healthy with grey hair pulled into a ponytail and glasses. He wore a grey cut off shirt and unbranded shorts with new balance shoes. The biggest image was the cross for me, which I believe demonstrates his value and belief for faith. The way he was dressed tells me either he doesn’t care about having the newest work out clothing or it could mean a number of different things. Some of the assumptions I am making are that he is a teacher, a believer of faith, healthy, older, and doesn’t care about the newest athletic wear. I think my assumptions point to my belief in faith, which probably why I noticed the cross. Also, I’m a fan of Nike and their products, so the fact that he wasn’t wearing any Nike apparel created a bias for my assumption.

The second person was a college student working at the rec. She was wearing a blue UO rec shirt and leggings with a fuel band on her wrist. She had earrings in each ear and her hair tied back. The most eye catching item were the bright orange Nike running shoes she was wearing. In my opinion, this person must have values for health and fitness given her fuel band. She also works at the rec, which could mean she enjoys being around fitness and the gym. Also, her choice of shoe could show she is creative or has an eccentric personality. The assumptions I am making are that she is athletic, healthy, fashionable given her earrings, creative, and eccentric. These assumptions speak to the point that I’m creative and have an eye for color. I also care about health and fitness so I associate myself with those that care about fitness and health.

The third person was a male who could have either been a graduate student or just a member. He was covered in tattoos while wearing mostly Nike apparel. He also had gauges in his ears that were half covered by Beats by Dre headphones. This male must value self-expression or creativity given his multiple tattoos. He must have a strong belief in tattoos and body art along with gauges. The Nike apparel and Beats by Dre tell me he is interested in current products and could be considered “trendy.” The assumptions I am making are that this guy really likes tattoos and body expression while also being “trendy.” Personally, I’m not covered in tattoos head to toe, but I do understand the appeal and desire to want to carry certain people, messages, images with us at all times. I believe there is significant self-expression in tattoos and some are very creative. This intriguing belief I have of tattoos could be why I notice them. I wouldn’t say I’m a trendy person, but I do like certain products, some newer than others.

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