Ditch in the Road

We received the feedback and score from our first draft of our proposal, and it was pretty rough. It showed some major oversights that we had made in the past couple of weeks and made it apparent that we had an awful lot of work to do. But that is just that resiliency piece. This will develop our proposal into a much more impressive piece of writing and has acted as an effective wake up call for the entire group. Earlier in the term I described in my leadership development plan that I wanted do develop my ability to challenge the process. The recent feedback has put the entire group into overdrive in this respect. Every claim that we make is being challenged and everyone is a devil’s advocate. While this makes for long work, it is already apparent how much our work has improved because of these efforts. Now we have been put on a bit of a time crunch, but I look forward to seeing the final product that we create.

Let’s take a break for a second…

Well we have just finished week five, and it has been a wild ride so far. It is important though that I take a moment to reflect on my personal performance in the group so far. I was assigned to be the group leader and I feel that I have filled that role admirably so far. My primary responsibilities are to set up meetings, delegate specific responsibilities and make sure that the group is moving forwadr in the right direction. We have been learning to work well as an effective team and I believe I facilitate that by ensuring that all members are actively participating. in the developement process and keeping moral high by bringing food to our meetings and making sure we always have a pleasant place to work. The main issue I have had is keeping up with meeting times as I have a very heavy course and work schedule. But even if I am not able to work with them face to face, we have learned to operate effectively in a remote environment.