5/23/24 – Unknown – CPFM Administration Quonset Steam Work Advisory

UPDATE: 5/28/24

Noise Advisory – There may be noise associated with reciprocating saw use this afternoon.


Building 136 Occupants:

This afternoon, the Mechanical Shop is going to turn the steam back on and listen for the hum upstairs.  If there is no hum, the steam will remain on until the chilled water switch over, barring the return of the hum.

If the hum returns, the steam will be turned off until 3:00 pm tomorrow (Friday), when the Mechanical Shop will turn it on for the long weekend in the hopes it heats up the building, as well as the concrete slab on the first floor, enough to retain some of the heat.  On Tuesday morning, the Mechanical Shop will shut off the steam and, when the pipes have cooled, will cut in a valve on the 2nd floor outside of Emily’s office and turn the valve to the off position.  They will then restore heat, leaving the upstairs coil isolated.  This will provide heat to the rest of the building, and we can focus on other heat sources for upstairs.

If the pipe degrades and the crew cannot install a valve, the steam will be shut off and we will contact a contractor to weld a cap on the pipe before turning it back on.  This is the worst-case scenario in that it removes the ability to run cold water through the coil upstairs when it gets warm again.

ContactWork Control Center, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, 541-346-2319

Current construction and impacts information can be found on the UO Maps site.

Overhead map image of CPFM Administration Quonset Building 136