~Three Brands and Logos I Admire~
- The Harry Potter Logo: The Harry Potter logo evokes magic. It’s a very strong brand; within the book and film community, fans find that Harry is an easy character to identify with and root for. The logo represents mans eternal struggle with good and evil, and what they will do to achieve power. It has also sparked wide debate and is a very divisive story. There are deep cultural divides that have existed for centuries which the book directly addresses.
The fan website, pottermore.com, allows fans to interact with one another. It has gone through several iterations beginning as a simple chat room and game site where you could get sorted and earn team points by reading stories and completing tasks. Then the author released short stories on the site which increased the number of users. It’s now essentially the same but modern and streamlined. The logo is not prominent, interestingly. In terms of effectiveness the logo is highly effective. Any fan will immediately recognize it.
Advice: I would suggest including some of the original art work into the new site to make it more recognizable to fans.
- Comedy Central Logo: The Comedy Central logo is interesting because it is similar to the copyright logo (as seen below the comedy central logo), but with an open outer ring. It’s an interesting statement when considering the type of programming broadcast both through cable and online. Many of the comedians they promote are subversive. http://www.cc.com/ hosts numerous television shows and specials. The website, brand, and logo is very cohesive and consistent throughout. It isn’t a very effective logo although it is clever and cool. The brand and the logo take a backseat to the programming.
Advice: The website itself is slow and clunky, there is a lot of media on the home page, it’s visually very busy.
- Cruelty Free Bunnies: I like these logos because they guide me to the products that explicitly didn’t torture animals in the making of the product. I don’t buy products without this logo (although I’m sure I do considering I discovered when making this post that fake logos are becoming more common). The three logos each represent a separate monitoring organization. The CCF Rabbit and the Leaping Bunny are two logos that I see regularly. I hadn’t seen the Cruelty Free PETA rabbit before this assignment. These logos are very effective, so much so that the competition started faking the logos. The logos are a valuable currency.
Advice: Put out more literature regarding product impact on carbon footprints, habitat loss is another form of animal cruelty.