![FINAL REVIEW](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/06/thumb-01-1t9thah-150x150.png)
For the final review, I received mostly good feedback on the overall strength of the project’s organization, form, and relationship to its site. There are a lot of improvements I would make to the presentation before including it in my portfolio,…
![WINTER TERM BOARDS](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/03/entryrender-1iyo0tk-150x150.png)
BOARDS page 1_sm page 2-3 DIAGRAMS these diagrams reflect a few of the comments/ suggestions from my review to consider moving forward: (1) think about flipping the section through the research/ production space, to allow the more delicate/ open edges…
![WEEK 8 REFLECTION](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/03/1_overview-13f4msx-150x150.png)
work update, just in time for the winter term final pin-up. After spending so much time during fall term researching the site context (planning policies and visions, current and future infrastructure, economic environment, etc) and forming a program that would…
PDX dwg
here’s a link to a dwg file I made from some Portland GIS maps. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz83HR508qOONnJfbWpwR2x4aDA/view?usp=sharing this has the street curbs, building footprints, 5 ft contours, and the rail lines–maybe a good place to start for site models.
MAKING, LEARNING, ENGAGING here is version 1.0 of my program/ prep study, as presented at the fall review (with a few editorial/ graphic tweaks). BOOK_v1_opt
![Portland Zoning and Data](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-27-at-1.41.30-PM-rksm5w-150x150.png)
Portland Zoning and Data
A snapshot of a few relevant resources and datasets available on the City’s website. civic apps open data: GIS files of datasets from various public agencies–everything from building footprints to streetlight/ street tree locations portland maps metadata: good basemap/ satellite images of the city,…
Making, Learning, Engaging
The “Clinton Triangle” on the south side of the new Clinton St/ SE 12th Ave MAX station is one of many blocks in Portland’s Southeast Quadrant that is lacking in density and activity–both economically and culturally. However, with recent investments…