Portland Zoning and Data

A snapshot of a few relevant resources and datasets available on the City’s website.

  • civic apps open dataGIS files of datasets from various public agencies–everything from building footprints to streetlight/ street tree locations
  • Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 1.41.30 PMportland maps metadata: good basemap/ satellite images of the city, as well as basic info when you double click on a lot
  • biking and walking maps
  • city planning maps: citywide adopted plans, FAR and maximum heights, historic and natural resources, zoning map, annexations, and urban service boundary maps, more…
  • 2012 population vulnerability analysisthis study used the following risk factors to assess vulnerability:
    1. share of households that are renters (at risk = greater than 45.6%)
    2. communities of color (at risk = greater than 27.4%)
    3. population 25 and over without a Bachelor’s (at risk = greater than 56.3%)
    4. share of households at or below 80% of HUD-adjusted Median Family Income (at risk = greater than 43.7%)

    all sites on the east side of the river received a 2 (see “a” and “d”); south waterfront received a 1 (see “a”)

  • comprehensive plan designation mapfrom the city planning map database. I’ve also created a zoning snapshot that highlights our site(s) and a summary of the relevant zoning code designations.[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2015/11/zoning-snapshot-1zsj7z7.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]