Making, Learning, Engaging

The “Clinton Triangle” on the south side of the new Clinton St/ SE 12th Ave MAX station is one of many blocks in Portland’s Southeast Quadrant that is lacking in density and activity–both economically and culturally. However, with recent investments local infrastructure and municipal directives for growth and development, the site has a compelling potential to become a gateway to a newly vibrant and thriving neighborhood.

The driving concepts of this project are MAKING, LEARNING and ENGAGING, with the goal of catalyzing the vision set forth by the City of Portland, and ensuring that this growth is inclusive and equitable. Inspired by the area’s industrial roots and the new “doer and maker class,” these concepts will primarily be applied to the use, reuse, and reimagining of waste materials. Programatically, this application will result in three general spatial divisions: a material research and innovation lab, a material library and design build/ consultant firm, and a community material resource center and makerspace. Secondary spaces will include a career and neighborhood community center, as well as office and retail.

below is a working (very) rough draft of the programming study. see the “final” version 1.0 here

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