New Art Center In South Waterfront

My project investigates the “Art Center” which starts from the location of South Waterfront beautiful green belt and Willamette River. The South Waterfront is located in the significant joints between west and east part. Moreover, around by the residential area, the site provides an amount of people resources, like those senior people who have great personal experiences and want to share with other people or young people who want to learn some specific craft skills and create some interesting components or artist and designers who enjoying their own studio   The Art Center is open to all ages who want to learn and make other own stuffs. The project focus on keeping traditional handwork art skill, encouraging people gathering here to set up a great social space and contributing some craft local business. A gallery will be designed to exhibit the works from users.

Learning Center

Classroom, Lab, Research, Teamwork Place, Individual working space, Studio, Resources Library ,Entertainment Room, Flexibility space


Classroom    Small 400SF x 6          Big 800SF x 4                            5600SF

Lab          Wood Craft  4000SF    Computer Lab 2000SF                6000SF

Working place    Common 1000SFx2    Individual 100×12             3200SF

Library                                                                                                        4000SF

Recreationt & Relaxation    1000SFx2                                           2000SF

Flexibility Space                                                                                        4000SF

Totally     24800SF

Working Office& Internship                                                   800SF X 10

Office, Conference Room, Archives, Entertainment Room

Office& Studio   800SF x 10

Conference Room   600SF x 4

Archives           2000SF

Totally            12400 SF

Galley& Museum

Permanent Exhibition     4000 SF

Flexibility Exhibition        6000SF

Totally                                 100000 SF