Archive for the 'Reflections' Category



Now that we have completed our proposal, we have to figure out a way to fit that information into a presentation. This is a challenge for us because we are having trouble agreeing on which ideas will be effective and which ones will detract from our overall theme.

In our first presentation, we had a weak hook. This time, we want to use something that will really catch people’s attention. However, we also have to keep our audience in mind. This time, our audience is the Educational Enrichment Task Force. We want to make the hook stick to them.

We also need to convince our audience that the need is real and important. In our feedback from the first presentation, this was one of the biggest things that the other groups did not like. We need to make sure we address this and really drive this point home in our final presentation.


Week 2 Blog Post

This week, I found the memo writing assignment to be very interesting.  It is very likely that this is a skill I will need to have when I begin my career.  I learned how to communicate effectively and appropriately depending on the audience.  I also learned how to add skim value.

I also learned about the design process.  Before this class, I thought that designing just meant making a product aesthetically pleasing.  In reality, it is shaping a product or service to fit the needs and desires of the customer.  Through innovations and feedback, one can shape any product or service to make it better and more desirable.

Our group met for the first time to make our team agreement.  The main goal that our group has is to get a high grade.  It will be a great challenge and possibly a source of strain on the team.  However, it will drive us to excellence.  Since my Leadership Development Plan involves learning to inspire a shared vision, I will work on keeping the team dedicated and focused on this goal.

Our team agreement also includes rotating roles throughout the term.  This will help us be a more effective team because we will all have a sense of empathy toward the people in the other roles.  We will all have an understanding of what the other team members are trying to accomplish and that will help us function better.  When I played football in high school, our coaches had us switch positions sometimes.  It gave me an appreciation for the hard work that the other players put in and also gave me a better understanding of how I could improve the process when playing my normal position.  I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish.


Week 1 Reflection

After the first two classes, I am excited to see where this class will take me.  Before making groups on Wednesday, we looked at the different kinds of people that make up groups.  Although I have done group projects throughout my academic career, I found that there are many things that I have not taken into consideration.  There always seems to be people who dominate the group at different times or who go off on their own and complete huge portions of the work alone.  I always thought that it was completely based on peoples’ level of dedication to the project.  In reality, it is much more than that.  There are several kinds of roles that people assume when they are part of a team and each role brings something different to the table.  Knowing those roles and identifying who has assumed what role in the group can help divide tasks and operate more smoothly.

We also saw some examples of both effective and ineffective leadership and communication.  No matter what I end up doing in life, it will be essential to know how to communicate with people.  I will have to avoid being condescending or confusing like in the Big Chief memo.   I will have to know what my audience will respond well to, like the man in the RV commercial.  I will also have to exhibit confidence and passion if I want people to believe in what I am saying and follow me, like the woman who led the redevelopment of her community.

I am curious and excited to see what the next nine weeks will bring.



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