Art in Society learning reflection
- I am not familiar with relationship between art and society in America. I also want to learn what kind of categories are there in US.
From study I know art and society are intimately bund relationship. Art cannot exist without society. Actually, in some ways art cannot be classified very detailed, because there are too many art forms in the world, not only those art works created by artists could be called art production, but many things created by ordinary people that exist in our life also can be called art works.
- I know little about transmedia, what is it? What contains? What functions? By taking this class I am eager to gain knowledge about transmedia.
At the beginning, transmedia is a new conception for me. While now after read some module material and listen discuss in class I know transmedia is a form of multiple media blend together. Transmedia can use simply and vividly approach to convey the main idea. It relies on the technology development.
- In my impression, art management is a broad field. In China, most media organizations are profit companies, so for non-profit organization I know little. I want to gain more knowledge about art non-profit organizations.
Although we don’ mention too many organization, we learn many new conception of art. After finished every module comment, I know what is art participation, what drives current aesthetic, and so on. These important conception help me to better understand art.
- Cooperation is more and more important, I hope to understand more about art participation.
In this class we discussed many about participation. What counts as participation, what are politics of participation in arts, what elements influence arts participation. Although I need to learn more, these think about participation help me better know deeply about art and society.
- I lack of reading materials about arts management, I hope to read some effective materials to help me understand arts easily.
I read every module reading materials and watched some videos about arts, although because of my language barrier I try my best to understand what author say and I think these reading material is helpful for me.