
Videoplay Exercise

Assignment Description: Students create a 30 second video using iMovie, Movie Maker, Premiere, or other video editing software using still images and audio. The intent is to “play” with different aspects of basic video editing including titles, transitions, clip trimming, manipulating audio, etc., in order to familiarize […] […]

Showcase ePortfolio Narrative and Webmap

Showcase ePortfolio Project Narrative Assignment Description: Students describe the intents and content for their showcase ePortfolios, addressing what they will include, where they will get the content, types of media used, overall architecture/structure of the site, and how they envision user interaction. This is a precursor to mapping the site. Narrative: I want my […] […]

Final for Info Design: Presentation

Assignment Description: Students shall create a presentation based on their flowchart. I created a Prezi for my field guide website. Click full screen to see it larger.     Reflection: I really enjoyed using Prezi. It is a very intuitive product, so it was very easy to create a presentation event though I’d never used Prezi before. I especially […] […]

AAD 585 Biopic Video


Collateral Drafts for Information Design 11.1.11

Students were asked to apply their logo in common collateral materials that will be included in their Graphic Standards assignment. Specifically, we were required to create a business card, letterhead, envelope, and one additional item of our choice. Please find my resulting drafts below: BUSINESS CARD:   ENVELOPE:   LETTERHEAD:   MEMBERSHIP CARD: PLEASE FIND […] […]

My Info Design Logo thus far 10.27.11

Students were asked to create an original logo representing an organization or agency. This can be for a real or fictitious organization, and include a makeover of the organization brand. I chose to create a logo for a potential organization I’m considering founding in Kentucky. This piece will be used to create collateral materials which […] […]

Info design Brand/Collateral Awareness

Assignment: Read the article in the course resources on branding – “Marks of Excellence”, and also revisit Diigo links shown in class in the Infodesign and Advanced Infodesign lists in the Logo/Branding and Branding/Collateral sections. Use this information to do the following “post” on your ePortfolio blog: Find three brands/logos that you like – can […] […]

Poster Design Contest – Oregon Country Fair

This is a perfect opportunity to apply your graphic design and tech app skills for one of Oregon’s Premier Outdoor Arts and Crafts fairs. Take poster design to a real world experience. Run with your creative, have fun, and a chance to win the $1200 prize.

The Oregon Country Fair just announced their open Poster […]

iMovie Project

We were asked to create a 2-4 minute biographical video for my Advanced Information Design and Presentation class. The video below shows my journey as an arts administrator from musician to preparator to curator to an Arts & Administration Master&#… […]