

Object to Field

For me, a large theme of this section was interconnectedness. It reminded me of the beginning stages of site design when you are less worried about the relative size or shape of programmatic areas and more concerned with where to place them and how they will interact with each other. The “forms between things” or the area between elements, is where this idea focuses because the relation between the elements of a space dictates how people will move throughout it.

Geometric vs Algebraic Combination

This section focused on the difference between parts of a whole being dependent on each other versus them being independent of each other. Both can create cohesive wholes, but independent, repeatable parts allow for continued growth, while parts that are dependent on each other or a central part create static environments. Each has its place in design, but repeating similar independent parts can allow for more open movement throughout a space

Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds

Studying the movement of flocks, swarms, and crowds can inform movement through high traffic spaces. Knowing how that movement will be affected by disruptions or obstructions will show how the space may be used in times of high occupancy. Rather than trying to use parts of the design to control these masses, we could use these ideas to consider ways that the design can be adapted to the high traffic use of the space.

Distributed Institutions

By having a few central, rooted components in a design, fluidity and change are allowed between them without creating chaos. As Allen explores, our world is constantly changing, and that influences and changes the use of a space as well. Creating strong, fixed elements is just as important as leaving space for change and evolution of a space. As the users change, so too will these open, fluid areas around the established institutions.

Thick 2D: Moires, Mats

In my understanding, this section had a central idea of a response to intensity or lack thereof. Allen asks us to see objects in a space as directly related to the metaphorical peaks and valleys of a field rather than a static object on a static plane. I think this idea could allow for better organization of a site by turning the focus to using design as an intentional response to the existing site conditions rather than seeing the site as a static, blank slate. 

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