
Field Conditions

By Isabella Espinoza

What are Field Conditions?

Field conditions have to do with the concept that individual parts form together into a whole. What is important is the space in between the elements and how all the elements are intertwined. While fields are fluid and abstract, they contain elements of repetition that weave it together. This does not mean all the elements are the same, elements still maintain their individuality, they are able to exist together in harmony.

Expandable Field Conditions

Relationships between elements that tend to lead to feeling of wholeness are generally geometric patterns. There is hierarchy within these patterns. Elements near each other create groups and new groups are formed from these groups, it is hierarchical order. This creates the relationships so that all elements must be there for it to make sense.

Local Relationships

Having relationships between elements and growing these relationships through sequences of events is more important than the form itself. All the parts should be cohesive yet not all the same, so that there is opportunity for it grow and change in a way that makes sense. This was done poorly in the example of the Great Mosque of Cordoba. The original building had a clear language yet the additions to the building all were made with different languages in mind, there were no relationships between them which created a final product that is unclear.

Figure and Ground

Figure should be part of ground, they should coexist and be dependent on each other. It is important to strive for unexpected relationships between this figure and ground, to create complexity. But even the most complex relationship are formed from a combination of basic elements. Fields are usually thought of as horizontal, but 3 dimensional fields exist and figure and ground can be applied to fields in any dimension.

Future of Architecture

Architecture has seemingly lost the prior continuity and consistent form of classical architecture. Buildings of different purposes were very distinct in form, churches, libraries and banks all had similarities so that one would know that is its purpose. Since there is no automatic form that such buildings can take it would seem daunting to create one, which is why the consideration of figure and ground comes in handy. If you are to build a new building you should look at the context of the buildings around it and design a unique building that flows with the city.

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