

Object to field

Field conditions go from one to many and build off of that. It is any formal or spatial matrix that unifies elements while respecting the nature of the other parts. The shape and extent become less important than the relationship and connectivity, this then brings out the behavior of the field. Field conditions are intricate local connections that consist of interval, repetition and seriality

Geometric vs algebraic

Classical architecture are organized into wholes through geometric systems of proportion. Parts form other parts, which create a whole and also create balance/ organization through a heiarchical order of geometric relations. Algebraic principles work with numerical units combined one another and individual elements are used to make a whole.

Walking out of cubism

Minimalist work in the 60s and 70s wanted to strip artwork from its decorative nature and bring out the architectural condition. This allowed meaning to be placed to the spatial field rather than on the object itself. The use of simple combinations and sequencing was a part of minimalist work.

Thick 2D

Field can redefine figure and ground relation, the moire is a figural effect that is made by the superposition of two regular fields. They usually produce unexpected effects that produce complex and irregular behaviors. It consists of combinations of elements that are repetitive and regular, but are planned out and not random.

Flocks and crowds

Flocks are field phenomenon defined with local conditions, because it consists of local conditions obstructions are not damaging to the whole flock. The structure of the flock tend to hold similar behaviors and display fluid movement. Unlike flocks, crowds are more complex and interact in a less predictable way. They are at the edge of control. Elias Canetti proposed four primary attributes to the crowd: always wanting to grow, equality within the crowd, loves density and needs direction.

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