

From Object to Field

The main idea getting from this concept of field condition is that there when designing a larger, more complex idea, there should be smaller parts which go within. This being said, being able to connect similar but individual ideas within a bigger, broader area, it unifies the place. By successfully doing this, the design of a building or whatever is being built, will create a better spatial area for the public which they can feely flow within.

Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination

Throughout the description of geometric v. algebraic combination, it showed that ratios and proportionality throughout buildings is what makes the purpose of the building more powerful. Not only do ratios help create a bigger affect, but it also allows for hierarchy within the space. An example would be the Great Mosque of Cordoba which its “independent elements are combined additively to form an intermediate whole”. One of the independent elements which is consistent is the columns and arches which create a more complex shape of the whole place.

Walking out of Cubism

Before getting to the minimalist era of architecture, architecture was seen and designed with such complexity with much attention to detail. But as more and more architects started to evolve with their design, they shifted their view and started designing simpler minimalist work. It was seen as looking away from the small detail and the object, and focusing more on the spaces that it creates and how people through within.

Flocks, Swarms, Crowds

One of the main points that came from this passage was that flocks, swarms and crowds were all random and not forced. They had their own implied rules which created a more controlled environment without being told and by having this it shows how large crowds will utilize a space. This also allows for more fluidity throughout groups.

Distributed Institutions

Within the distribution of institutes, it was seen that buildings that a higher significance so society were made to be bigger which can create a hierarchy within buildings. A big idea throughout this passage is using the land and the city, these buildings will thrive and therefore have a better connection throughout, which shows good architecture.

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