1) The physical characteristics of a field are loosely defined. Any spacial organization can be a field, the more important aspect is the relationship of the parts within. Field conditions are most relevant to understanding the way objects interact with their neighbors, which in turns helps to understand the objects themselves.
2) In general, the features of an architectural design are historically coherent and aligned. In some cases, such as the Great Mosque of Cordoba, there is less of an overall language of the whole composition. Since the individual parts work well with their neighbor, it doesn’t matter that they have independent design elements.
3) Barry Le Va created works called “distributions” that made a distinction between an object and the space it occupied. This concept supports the idea of the field as its own entity, independent from the structure of objects inside of it. The local agreement of his art also supports the previous applications of the notion of field conditions.
4) A structure doesn’t have to be a stark contrast from the field. The more closely related figure and ground are, the more complex the arrangement is. In addition, the less uniformity in the field, the more opportunity for a complex relationship between figure and ground.
5) The distinction between a flock and a crowd helps to better understand how a place will be used. Naturally, a flock will form and follow simple organizational rules. The crowd is similar but has more unpredictable tendencies because its inhabitants tend to think for themself rather than just follow the herd.