

0.1 From Object to Field The individuals in a field work to create an ensemble.  Therefore, the field should not be viewed in parts, but…

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Roche_Andrew_222 1.1a

Roche_Andrew_222 1.1a

Geometric v.s. Algebraic Combination Classical architecture can be broken into both individual elements and coherent wholes, as they relate to geometric and algebraic relationships. These…

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From Object to Field This section introduces field conditions as influences on a field that promotes collectives of unites. Field conditions introduce local interconnections and…

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From Object to Field: A field is made up of the sum of its parts. Allen writes, the “overall shape and extent are highly fluid…

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Field Conditions, Stan Allan – Response   From object to field: From what I interpreted from this part of the article, the author describes the…

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EX 1.1A

EX 1.1A

From Field to Object Smaller ideas should be formed within a big idea. These ideas should be similar, but unique at the same time so…

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Field Conditions, Stan Allen From Object to Field In this first section, Stan Lee begins by explaining the many ways in which field conditions vary….

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Zihan_Zhu_222 1.1.a

Zihan_Zhu_222 1.1.a

From Object to Field One can only experience what one feels. A group is a tendency towards an individual. For example, rule-makers like blue and…

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01 From Object to Field This field of text that Stan Allen has written is a basis overall understanding of Field Conditions, which is what…

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From Object to Field The idea of object to field is based on the concept of incorporating many unique objects with individual characteristics into a…

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