

The first part made me think of total collection of work, where the final work is greater than just the sum of its part. I feel that this is particularly important in architecture as it is important for the individual parts to functional, as to make the structure functional, but also coherent to the larger structure to create a good space.

The addition to structures without the subtraction from the original is a key feature in architecture and is vital for the longevity of buildings. The author uses the Great Mosque of Cordoba as an example. As it had several significant additions, but never lost its integrity.

The passage about how local and productive social differences thrive at the local level as opposed to the large-scale message interests me. I think about how in architecture it is more often best to express uniqueness on the micro level as opposed to the macro level so as to preserve to overall unity of the setting

The flock of Birds piece relates to the connection between parts and their relationship to the overarching geometry. The flocks show how connection can be maintained without an overarching order, simply one bird responding to the bird next to it, and so on and so forth. I like this idea as it emphasizes the relationships with between neighbors. And it shows spontaneity and happen without being chaotic.

The rules regarding the crowd and specifically how the crowd loves to grow also have a message as it pertains to architecture and urbanism. Like crowds of people crowds of buildings, cities, love to grow to. We see this in architecture of great major cities and how large and splendid buildings attract more large and splendid buildings to be build around them.

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