From Object to Field:

The author touches on the interplay between an object and its many parts within this section of the reading. Within architecture, this idea can be applied to the many users and events that occur within a space. An analysis of field conditions within a space may include how people interact and experience an area. The behavior of people within a building is very much attached to the purpose and identity of the space. The parts make up and influence the whole.


direction and closeness represented with lines


Geometric v. Algebraic Combination:

Several examples of the interactions and design choices that come from geometric and algebraic methods are presented within this passage. The author seems to allude to the idea that a space can be added to, but may not be cohesive without careful consideration of how the end product will turn out. Continuous additions to a large building due to needs for more space may detract from the accessibility of the area. Respecting what is already there is helpful when attempting to design or add onto a structure.


form and depth using shading


Walking Out of Cubism:

This section of the text touches on the shift in perspective and the trend away from the framework provided by the Cubism art movement. The author suggests that the art movements that spawned during the later half of the 20th century were a rejection of the form and confines of Cubism. Within architecture it is evident that an appreciation for more than just well defined structure opens the door for unique spatial designs. Restricting a design to a single language may inhibit how the final product will turn out. Rejection of the traditional or obvious way of doing things may expose a new design solution.


placement of objects using lines and dots


Thick 2D: Moires, Mats

The concept presented in this passage details the representation of space through various visual methods. The author argues that, “All grids are fields, but not all fields are grids”. I was initially confused by this idea, but I assume that different ways to represent objects, space, etc… come in many different forms. It is evident that fields allow for the representation of space and the ways that lines are used to show information can be adapted in order to explain various things. The movement presented within a field could show height.


space and value through various simple symbols


Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds:

This section of the reading gave an example of how groupings of birds were better understood through the use computer simulations. Controlling simple variables could produce similar results to phenomenon found within nature. The behavior of an individual within a group is crucial in how the group appears and acts. Clusters of things are usually thought of as sum of their parts, but the idea of individual behavior makes it clear that the role of groupings is more complex.


direction through the use of lines

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