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From Object to Field 

This portion is to “verify in the field” by changing the design or plan in real time. As when the structure is physically being constructed there are changes being made in order for the object to successfully blend into its field. The field of architecture closely resonates that with networking. Having the urban landscapes deeply compliment the rural aspects. The outer layers of architecture is not what connects the fluid of the behavior of the field but the inner layers do.


Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination 

Forming relationships with individual elements so that the landscapes flow with structures. The idea that symmetry and flow is what makes a piece have its set of rules. What geometric aspects of architecture manipulate the environment around the landscape with its building


Walking Out of Cubism

This portion is pushing to move away from cubes and think outside of the box. Space between the viewer and the object needs to be filled by perspective and people. This engages the space of the gallery and the body of the viewer. The theory of less is more.


Thick 2D


During this portion I was thinking deeply when the words “All grids are fields, but not all fields are grids.” Figure ground and field are closely allied in the sense of systems. Studying systems in abstraction directly related to orientation/organization helps lead to the freedom of the object within the space that confides it.


Flocks, Schools, Swarms, and Crowds


In this section the variation of different species and structures within large groups has its pros and cons. On one hand a crowd makes an individual feel supported yet little in such a large group. It also gives a sense of power which can be good or bad. As in when these flocks are confined into a space they can manipulate the tone or vibe of the setting just based on the expression of the crowd.


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