0.1 From Object to Field
This section focuses on a field condition, and how that is described. A field condition can be any space that is capable of holding diverse elements that are unified (ie. light, sound, scale, and depth. All of these support each other).
0.2 Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination
The author talks about structures and how they can be modified or changed over time. It explains how buildings can be renovated and changed as long as the structure remains strong and intact.
0.3 Walking out of Cubism
Within the last century, American art has created a minimalist style. A minimalist style creates a sense of simplicity within art. Minimalism mimics a similar style to cubism but with much more simplicity.
0.4 Thick 2D: Moires, Mats
Moire effect was created to make complex forms. Moire has a sense of repetition in a pattern, therefore the style is not random. This section shows how the fields work together in the environment.
0.5 Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds
This section explains the action of flocking and how that is the behavior of birds, and it was used as an example of local conditions. Flock size does not matter because it still portrays similar structures. In my drawings, I showed multiple sizes to show similar structures.