From Objects to Field:
The concepts of field conditions refer to the complex and dynamic interactions with surroundings. From what I understood, a field condition can be any element’s interaction with others around it. It allows for different perceiving of space. Every aspect of a design matter in establishing field conditions such as when an architect takes in the environment to design a structure.
Geometric Vs. Algebraic Combination:
The geometric and algebraic combinations establish control and order to systems by following certain ratios. This concept relates heavily toward classical architecture. It allows for a formation of organization and hierarchy throughout elements. It allows for spaces to form in organic variations that create a unity in the whole. Buildings that follow the rules in the formal sequence display power, an example of such are federal buildings like courthouses. The elements of the structure flow and build on each other.
Walking out of Cubism:
By walking out of Cubism, artists and architects developed a new form of presentation that flowed rather than follow hard lines. Cubism established rigid and planned works whereas in minimalist styles, designs developed in sequences. This allowed for concepts to be seen in simplicity. This subject reminded me of the German Pavilion in Barcelona. The pavilion challenged many viewpoints, but it left an impact and allowed for more unorthodox ideas to emerge.
Thick 2D: Moires, Mats
This section relates to elements to figure/ground principles. It establishes objects as emerging rather than being in contrast. It is referred as “moments of intensity” which can translate to a lot of urban designs. The concept reminded me of pueblos in Mexico, one specifically, Manzanillo. The buildings there emerge and relate to one another in ways that establish strong unity but also show individuality.
Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds:
The section Flocks, Schools, and Crowds identifies rules that are followed locally which emerge from local conditions. Any form of variation that occurs is then accommodated to keep an order and continuous flow of motion. In other conditions, patterns are more complex. For some reason my thoughts shifted to the book 1984 and the concept of Group-think and Group-speak.