1.1 Diagramming

1.1 Diagramming

1.1 Diagramming

Payton Lagomarsino

From Object To Field

At first when I was introduced to this concept, I imagined a flight pattern, but soon found myself to be wrong. This concept is more of a concentration; where matter generates in a specific location or region. Think of dragging a magnet across a plate of iron, the iron is going to follow the magnet, creating a concentrated group of iron around the magnet. This concept is based on urbanism and the concentration of a large population of  people in a small area.

Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination

This form follows a certain rule of axiality, symmetry, or formal sequence. This form can be followed by a serial order or abide by some ratio in order to be proportional. You can find this concept in grid patterns of cities, or compounds. Religious sites follow a specific axis whether that be serial linkage or a linear axis. 

Walking Out of Cubism

  This concept is entirely based on its title: cubism. How different shapes define and alter a space. Shapes can define a space as negative or positive. In this concept I feel like projection or disruption are adjectives that you can use to describe the concept. 

Thick 2D: Moires, Mats

A combination of irregular and complex behaviors that oppose each other, yet manage to compliment each other. Maybe straight lines vs. curved lines. These opposing concepts when placed together creates a pattern that some expanding cities have begun to follow.

Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds

Not to be mixed up with the first idea “From Object to Field.” This concept does follow some form of pattern that can be observed and understood. Where one goes the others follow, but the others follow in a synchronized fashion. 

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