

Translating the idea of a singular object or objective purpose within a space is not only a matter of analyzing the field that it will be placed in, but understanding what the field will need in return to support it. If “a complete examination of the implications of the field conditions in architecture would necessarily reflect the complex and dynamic behaviors of architecture’s users”(92), then we know that- by design- the requirements for a space with supportive features to exist, it must maintain the “dynamic behaviors” that its contents have. With properties of interconnectivity, elements in creative and functional senses, and behavior of field all contribute to a natural or made space’s ability to blend and operate in a concise way.



The geometric and algebraic combination found in many spaces in architecture tell a unifying story, and are able to keep continuity through complexes or singular buildings in multiple generations. The concept of ‘ensemble’ was introduced, in which a design is able to operate while directly relying on another feature to support its own design. Likewise, the way in which these ensembles can be created is through relationships of mathematical and geometric similarity- interdetermination. In designs that bypass this way of maintaining continuity, the concept of an implied or generalized ‘path’ or overarching idea is necessary, as many designs, “conditions are established locally”(94) to relate to their surroundings.



Primarily focusing on the development of design in the mid-20th century, Allen has primarily laid out the format for what makes a design the sole feature of a space, and how this must be continued when utilizing this particular style of design. Under these concepts, structures are able to provide their own character, and therefore exist without the objects and elements described in 01. When the design is made the sole owner of a space, it often creates a “sequence of events…related to flock behavior” (97) where an occupant is able to travel through and exist in a space without feeling lost or out of the bounds.



In discussion about the field and area of work, the actual organization of the space is crucial to developing it and allowing it to exist in the prime environment. Scale is debatably the most predicable- yet essential- factor in this, applying to all of the key concepts from this section, especially in extensions of a structure, where scale can make or break an entire portion of a space. Identifying the scale that a design will feed off of can be done through the use of surface analysis and griding, allowing for a full integral relationship between the structure and its purpose.



When organizing a large group or mass, the funneling of people is often an art form, which requires the consultation of a large number of people to emulate “herd mentality.” The importance of this is analysis is extreme, as some actions that come natural to a group may be subconscious, and not be readily apparent to designers, including the factors of pathways, swarming to destinations, and perceived equality between others in the crowd.



A space must listen to its surroundings and be able to adjust to its purpose, as well as how people interact with its purpose in the modern era. Competing for attention is increasingly necessary in many public spaces to access the same amount of traffic that it once garnered years ago. This inevitably involves the need to change a design and a typical outlook on a structures purpose, and emphasis on the flow between the designs of the past, as well as the designs of the modern day.

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