January Alumni Spotlight!

15401431_10157774644550461_1408905632_nRay Tsunoda!

[Picture submitted by Ray Tsunoda]

How did you find out about UO Wushu?

I stumbled onto a class on my first visit to campus before I decided to enroll. I had no idea that Universities had Wushu clubs.

How long were you involved with the club?

I was a member between 2008-10 and coached with Nathan Andrus-Hughes in 2010-12. Four years of training and partying really hard.

What were the most difficult and most rewarding factors of being on team?

Everything is difficult. The conditioning, flexibility, choreography, and competition scoring. Wushu is the most technically complicated thing I’ve done in my life. I’ve seen many physically gifted individuals hit walls without good coaches.

Why do it? Nothing ninjas you like Wushu. It feels very cool when you nail a move, and without the team doing Wushu wouldn’t have felt as awesome. It’s like Soul Cycle only you’re actually doing something cool.

What were the most difficult and most rewarding factors of being captain?

Difficult: Planning training progression. Picking the right basics, forms, and intensity is mostly trial and error because you can’t control everyone’s learning and physical capacity. Future captains, don’t worry about catering to everyone! Just make a format that you are confident with and enjoy teaching, or you’ll drive yourself nuts.

Rewarding: You see what people want and what they’re willing to put in. When someone you taught personally competes and does well you never forget it.

How did you balance all your activities during college?

I didn’t. Life pro-tip, don’t go in without perspective. Be specific with how much time you will put into Wushu and talk to someone who knows more about how you should be training with the time you’ve been given.

Did you specialize in something?

Not really, I’ve done a little bit of everything other than Taichi.

Can you describe the mental and physical progression you experienced from your first competition to your last competition?

I got more aggressive and stronger, but not necessarily better. Get a mentor! Self-coaching is a myth!

How did the Wushu community impact your life?

I was introverted prior to Wushu at UO. You won’t find a sport where people make friends so quickly; it’s a small world and we’re in it together.

How has Wushu impacted your life?

It made me more outgoing, attentive to the needs of others, and super-ripped.

Where are you now in life?

I’m a designer living in San Jose, at a house full of close friends that all love Wushu. We work, train, and party.

Do you still practice?

See you at CMAT, young-bl****.

Do you have any advice for current team members?

Socialize with other clubs! That’s the best way for the club to keep growing.

Seek mentorship. Don’t worry about bugging people, worry about sucking and getting injured. Set expectations with yourself and your team coach. Be clear with what you want for the semester, don’t let the practice schedule be your only guide.

Do you have any advice for the general public?

Nothing ninjas you like Wushu. It’s unlike any sport you’ve ever done and is the key to unlocking your inner-Power Ranger. Check out my team’s Instagram @rogue1wushu, watch some world wushu competitions on YouTube, then go train with UO Wushu for one month. Also, don’t skip leg day, every day is leg day 😉

December Alumni Spotlight!

alexAlex Guangyuan Liang!

[Photo retrieved from Facebook]

How did you find out about UO Wushu?

Ferena Kagata, friend brought me and some friends in. 

How long were you involved with the club?

Involved about 2 years afterwards it was on and off.

What were the most difficult and most rewarding factors of being on team?

The most difficult thing at the time was competition and trying to live up to the expectations set by the previous generation. But that was also what I enjoyed more, competing hard.  

Did you specialize in something?

I started learning spear and broadsword. Both were very fun.

Can you describe the mental and physical progression you experienced from your first competition to your last competition?

I only participated in 1 competition. I felt more agile, stronger and confident after a year.

How did the Wushu community impact your life?

 The wushu community at uo was great. A lot of fun and supportive people. I appreciate wushu as it has helped me physically and mentally. But I feel like getting to know the team has influenced me more.

Where are you now in life?

Currently I am working for a year after my Bachelor’s. I am applying to some graduate schools. Also learning about personal finance and programming.

Do you still practice?

I don’t practice any sport anymore. No time or energy.

Do you have any advice for current team members?

Keep up the good work! True passion and dedication is contagious.

Do you have any advice for the general public?

Try and find a club or other extra curricular activity. It will enhance your college experience.

November Alumni Spotlight!


Katsumi Manabe!

[Photo retrieved from Facebook]

How did you find out about UO Wushu?

Online while reading about some of the older us superstars of the art in highschool.  Both Brandon sugiyama and Phillip dang were alumni, was a little disappointed to realize I’d be joining the year after Phil graduated though.

How long were you involved with the club?

Eh let’s just say I failed to graduate in four years.  I tore my Achilles at practice which severely set back graduation and training.

How did you balance all your activities during college?

At first I didn’t.  Then I dropped the activities I didn’t care about and stopped procrastinating.  Don’t procrastinate, Nike that sh**.

Did you specialize in something?

Jian was my favorite form.

What were the most difficult and most rewarding factors of being captain?

The most difficult was balancing the focus and intensity of practice.  I wanted to share the really physically and mentally intense and rewarding practices previous captains had with me but without excluding people whom were shy, new, uncoordinated, or just really sh** at showing up consistently because they couldn’t balance school, Wushu, and whatever else they did.

The most rewarding was being there for the excitement every time someone did something they previously thought was out of reach.

Can you describe the mental and physical progression you experienced from your first competition to your last competition?

I got stronger over time but never got comfortable with it.  I always psyched myself out and felt like I could have done better.  Honestly I didn’t care too much to compete myself, I just wanted to do Wushu.

How did the Wushu community impact your life?

The wushu community was my life.  I met some of my closest friends and the greatest girl in the world there.   I’ve actually done wushu with all of my current roommates as well.

How has Wushu impacted your life?

I may not train regularly anymore but if I space out at a grocery store I’ll still find myself going through forms in my head and waving my hands about like a crazy person.

Where are you now in life?

I was the manager of a red Robin but quit a few days ago, I took part in the opening of a new location that was ranked number one in the company out of more than 500 restaurants when we opened.  We were ranked I think fifth when I left.  For now I’m taking some time to myself and looking for a different direction.

Do you still practice?

No, but I miss it.

Do you have any advice for current team members?

If you want to do anything, stop procrastinating or making excuses and don’t let your cup be too full.

October Alumni Spotlight!


Wing Ng!

[Photo taken by Kevin Lai]

How did you find out about UO Wushu?

I found out about UO Wushu by checking out the ASUO list of groups. I was looking to try martial arts and saw Wushu and figured I could try it out. Finding the actual practice room was harder though.

How long were you involved with the club?

I was a part of UO Wushu for 4 years – and hope to help out this year as well. My first year I participated as a general member. My second year I was fortunate to help out the team as the President and my last years I was able to coach the team.

What were the most difficult and most rewarding factors of being captain?

The most difficult part for me was to balance coaching while also trying to improve my own Wushu. While teaching does help improve your own Wushu there is no substitute for practice. The most rewarding part will always be watching your teammates improve.

How did you balance all your activities during college?

I didn’t! A lot of lost sleep…but what I think would help others is to plan your schedule and devote time for everything you do. Sleeping, eating, studying, practicing, going to class, and relaxing. I found that having a plan helped me devote my energy to what I was currently doing.

Did you specialize in something?

No. I dabbled in a few things but now am trying to learn something special for the team.

Can you describe the mental and physical progression you experienced from your first competition to your last competition?

Everyone, in my opinion, goes on autopilot their first competition. They are too nervous to think about intent and the flavor. What I learned and still work on is something that Sifu Peter Dang told us. When we are doing our competition form we need to think for each movement, “Now I will put X amount of force into this outside jump” or “I will breathe through this stance before I transition”. While relying on muscle memory is a good way to learn a form it will pale in comparison to a form that has intention.

How did the Wushu community impact your life?

I have a great appreciation of our alumni and the teammates I had during my time. Some of them have become some of the greatest friends I have. Meeting people at different schools and teams it is clear to me that people within the community are similar regardless where you go.

How has Wushu impacted your life?

Wushu has given me a community that I can rely on for the rest of my life – again some of my greatest friends are from UO Wushu. The personal influence of Wushu has been that it has made me increasingly aware of my own physicality and given me a greater desire to improve myself.

Where are you now in life?

Currently working for the University of Oregon Admissions Office. After my travel season I hope to practice more, work out more, and hopefully start doing some tai chi. As for the future – unsure but most likely away from the state.

Do you still practice?

For a little in my hotel rooms…I plan to practice occasionally but I really want to start understanding internal martial arts and hope that will also help my taolu.

Do you have any advice for current team members?

It’s all in the hips. Also if you are injured you can’t practice as well so know your limits and communicate with your coaches as to what you are feeling. While Wushu is amazing you are students first so make sure you are studying your forms and your course materials.

Do you have any advice for the general public?

Try out Wushu! You can start at any time and our team is supportive of all learners. Hmm other than that eat well, take care of yourself, and stay positive? Thank you!

Hello everyone!

There has been an update to our 2016-2017 council. Unfortuantely our former Internal Relations Coordinator, Ryan Phelen, will not be able to join us this year. Instead he will be attending a study abroad in Japan!

Introducing our new Internal Relations Coordinator for the 2016-2017 school year:


Brenda Heng

Congratulations to Ryan for all of his accomplishments!

Year 2016-2017!

Hello everyone!

In preparation for the next school year, we have transitioned into new leadership!

Introducing our new council for 2016-2017:

Coaches: Elirissa Hui and Blake Rawson



Internal Relations Coordinator: Ryan Phelan


External Relations Coordinator: Kiyomi Manabe


Congratulations to the new council, and good luck next year!