Winter Term Practice

Our Winter Term Practices have changed slightly. Please feel free to stop by if you are interested in training with us or just want to see what we do! Our practice times are:

Monday & Wednesday: 7-9pm in Gerlinger 219
Friday: 5-7pm in Rec Center Multipurpose Room 1

We hope to see you there!

Demo Season is Here!

Hello everyone!

Demo season for UO Wushu is coming up very soon. Here are dates and times of our upcoming performances, be sure to come and support us!

1. East Dream Chinese Dance Group’s Annual Dance Concert
When: Sunday, February 8th at 7:30pm
Where: OSU LaSells Center
*tickets are needed for entry

2. Asian Celebration
When: Saturday, February 14th at 10am (on the Martial Arts Stage)
and Saturday, February 14th at 5:45pm (Presentation Stage)
Where: Lane County Events Center

3. Willamette University’s Chinese New Year Festival
When: Sunday, February 22nd, time TBA
Where: Willamette University, Cat Cavern

Please come and support us, we would greatly appreciate it!