Author Archives: jsteven7

New Tech Service Desk

The University of Oregon has a new all-in-one tech service desk available here. They may be able to assist you in real time if you’re having a problem with software in the lab. Please also let the lab monitor know if you’re having any issues with software or hardware in the lab.

Spring 2022 Cinema Studies Lab Schedule and Live Updates

The Cinema Studies Lab has a set schedule for Spring 2022, but the lab may face unexpected closures as the term goes on. Please refer to this page and calendar when planning a trip to the Cinema Studies Lab to confirm that the lab is open and operational. If and when you do visit the lab, we ask that you sign the sign-in sheet when you arrive. There are clean pens provided at the stations for your convenience.

Thank you!

Live Lab Calendar 

Cinema Studies Lab COVID-19 Rules and Regulations

There are many new lab rules because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

• Students must wear masks or face coverings and wear them correctly.
• Students must keep a 6 feet distance between themselves at all times.
• No furniture should be moved in the lab.
• Students should not eat or drink in the lab.
• Students are responsible for disinfecting their own work space before and after using
the space this includes their keyboard, mouse, and tabletop.

Each day before coming to campus please conduct a symptom check. More information can
be found here:

You should also stay home if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive.
Go to this site for more information about
COVID exposure and coming to campus. Please notify us if you have tested positive or have been around someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.