On August 24, 2023, a water intrusion occurred in the Klamath Hall basement that resulted in water impacts in room B018, B020, B026, and the East hallway. The impacts were substantial enough to require mobilization of a restoration contractor to assist the University with drying out impacted finishes. We are confident that drying should be able to be accomplished with the vast majority of finishes undisturbed in approximately 7 days. In the meantime, users of Klamath Hall basement should expect to see equipment and containments in each of the spaces indicated above. The containments will help create a dry environment and speed the drying process. It is imperative that containments and equipment are left to run unimpeded in order to be successful and prevent larger scale demolition. Once the dry out is finished, repair and restoration will be transferred to CPFM. Please contact Adam Jones if you have questions.
Adam S. Jones, CIEC | Environmental Services Manager
Safety and Risk Services
Environmental Health & Safety
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
(541) 346-8397 | asjones@uoregon.edu
(541) 852-5685