Thompson’s University Center AHU Maintenance Shutdown 7/20/21

UPDATE 7/23/21: The work is complete and the heating, cooling, exhaust, fume hoods, and HVAC air supply are back online.


Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Thompson’s University Center

Scope: Next week, beginning Tuesday, June 20th, the AHU will be shut down for annual repairs and maintenance.  A notice will be sent when the work has been completed.

Services Impacted: The building’s heating, cooling, exhaust, fume hoods, and HVAC air supply will be off-line.

Special Instructions: Fume hood sashes will need to be closed and containers within the fume hoods sealed prior to the shutdown.

Work Performed By: CPFM FS Mechanical Crew

Contact: Ken Straw, CPFM Mechanical and Plumbing Shop Manager, 541-346-5406