Begin: January 4, 2021
End: January 8, 2021
Building(s) or Area(s) Impacted: Lillis, Anstett, Peterson, Chiles, Computing Center, McKenzie, Miller Theatre, Villard, and Fenton Halls
Scope: During the month of January, 2021, the U of O will have an outside contractor cleaning HVAC systems in your buildings. This work is being done as a result of the wildfire smoke in September of 2020, with the intent of removing combustion by-products collected on HVAC internal surfaces. This will help remove any residual odors and other impacts to our HVAC systems. For the Week of January 4, 2021, HVAC units will be shut down periodically in Anstett Hall (1/4/2021), Peterson Hall (1/5/2021), Fenton Hall (1/6/2021) and Chiles Hall (1/7/2021 & 1/8/2021). Facilities plans to meet with the contractor early next week and work out a more specific schedule. We will send out weekly notifications that will outline buildings that will be impacted during the week of January 11, 2021 on Thursday the prior week.
Extra Notes: The work will be conducted using strict containment and air controls and should not impact end-users in any way; however, users should be advised that their HVAC systems may be shut down for periods during the month of January.
Work Performed By: This work will be managed with Safety & Risk Services and supported by CPFM.
Contact: Adam Jones, SRS Buildings Sciences Manager, 541-346-8397