Esslinger Hall Noise Advisory 11/11/19 – 1/6/20

Update 11/27:

DEC: 2-6: DUST AND LIMITED ACCESS TO 180A, 181A, & 181B. Facilities Services will be finishing drywall in 180 & 181, and H111. This will be a dusty activity. They will target early morning for the worst areas and continually vacuum as they go. There is no way to contain 100% of the dust during the process. Crews will make every attempt to contain dust and clean up as they go. We cannot guaranty access to the 181A & 181B rooms during this time. Please take any measures possible to limit the need to use those rooms.


Beginning November 11th, 2019, and continuing through January 6th, 2020, light demolition, framing, and general construction will continue in Esslinger 180 and 181.

Construction will occur during business/class hours. Every attempt will be made to avoid the loudest activities during scheduled classes, but there will be ongoing construction noise for the next 3-4 weeks.  The noise from 180 and 181 may travel to 105, 107, and down H101 and H190.

Work will be performed by CPFM Facilities Services.

For questions or concerns, please contact Tim Allenbaugh at 541-346-8214 or