On Saturday, August 3rd from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Facilities Services will be painting in room 339 of Oregon Hall. This will involve the application of a low-odor dry erase paint. In order to mitigate odors, Facilities will be shutting off the HVAC system during this time. The shutdown will affect all of the third floor on the west side of the building.
In addition to performing the work on Saturday and shutting off the HVAC system, the following additional measures are being taken to limit odors:
-sealing HVAC register and return in room 339
-use of an air scrubber
-use of a minimal odor dry erase paint
No additional utility disruptions or shutoffs are expected at this time; however, if there are any additional disruptions or shutdowns to services, an additional notice will be distributed.
Room 339 – Odor potential for other adjacent areas
For questions or concerns, please contact Justin Grishkin at 346-5242 or jgrishki@uoregon.edu.