Dissertation Defense – Jesse Wilson, May 21st

photo - Jesse WilsonGood luck to Jesse Wilson as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, May 21, 2020
3:00 PM via Zoom Meeting

The title of his thesis is “Native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Characterizing the Structure and Lipid Binding of Bacterial Pore-Forming Toxins



For ZOOM link, email leah[at]uoregon.edu

Dissertation Defense – Brett Israels, May 21st

photo - Brett IsraelsGood luck to Brett Israels as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, May 21, 2020
3:00 PM via Zoom Meeting

The title of his thesis is “Single Molecule Studies of ssDNA Dynamics Near a DNA (p/t) Junction and Their Role in Protein Nucleic Acid Interactions of the T4 Bacteriophage

Next up – Brett will be moving to Aarhus Denmark in July. He has accepted a post doctorate with Professor Victoria Birkedal at Aarhus University and will be studying the dynamics of G-quadraplex folding in DNA telomeres, and developing methods to obtain information on molecular complexes beyond the range of single-molecule FRET using DNA origami platforms and conjugated-polymer systems.


For ZOOM link, email leah[at]uoregon.edu


Dissertation Defense – Phil Lotshaw, April 22nd

Good luck to Phil Lotshaw as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
4 PM via Zoom Meeting

The title of his thesis is “The Second Law in Quantum Pure State Thermodynamics: Making Heat Flow from Cold to Hot and Other Interesting Things

After graduating, Phil will be starting a post doc position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

For ZOOM link, email leah[at]uoregon.edu

Dissertation Defense – Micah Donor, Thursday, April 9

photo Micah DonorGood luck to Micah Donor as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Thursday, April 9, 2020
3 PM via Zoom Meeting

The title of his thesis is “Fundamental and Quantitative Analysis of Gas-Phase Protein Structure and Structural Transitions Using Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry

For ZOOM link, email leah[at]uoregon.edu

Dissertation Defense – Will Storck, March 6th

photo - Will StorckGood luck to Will Storck as he defends his thesis for his PhD in Chemistry!

Friday, March 6, 2020
3:00 PM in 220 Deschutes  

The title of his thesis is Characterization of LSD Complex Function, Histone Exchange, and Regulation of a Tryptophan Catabolism Gene Pair in Neurospora crassa”