One Year On – Checking in with Professors Agne & Rapp!

As Teresa Rapp and Matthias Agne enter their second year as members of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department’s research faculty, we thought we’d ask them for some thoughts and highlights from their first year at the University of Oregon. Here’s what they had to share ~

a group group of people sitting around a fire pitTeresa Rappa smiling person wearing a blue shirt

What a whirlwind of a year it’s been! When I started at the U of O in September 2023, I was excited to jump into research and start mentoring and working with all the fabulous UO students! Little did I know I’d soon be managing over 12 trainees in my burgeoning research lab. Over the last 12 months we’ve converted 2/3rds of our lab space to a dark room with red light to build our light sensitive molecules, we’ve taken on two PhD students, a Master’s Intern, a Research Scientist, and 13 undergrads who have all made great progress towards their respective projects. I’m very proud of the group community we’ve built in our first year as a lab, and I look forward to all the years to come!

a group of people posing for a picture in a laboratoryMatthias Agnea person with glasses wearing a suit

As we charge into our second year, I am so proud looking back at the team that has gotten us this far – and I cannot express enough thankfulness for the tremendous PhD rotation students, MS students and undergrads who gave so much of their time and energy to help build the lab and develop our capabilities. Our core team of 4 PhD students are currently tackling hard fundamental problems in energy materials research, from assessing vibrational dynamics in solids for better control of thermal and ionic transport to understanding thermodynamic driving forces for degradation in solid-state batteries, and more! They have taken huge initiative to develop these projects from concept to first results, and we anticipate a very productive year ahead. I would like to recognize the amazing support that I have received from my faculty colleagues and our administrative staff, which has made starting at the University of Oregon such a great experience. I look forward to continuing to grow our team at all academic levels and building collaborations here at UO and around the world!


Spotted Online – Alumni News

Melissa Edwards, BA Chemistry, Class of 1989 – appointed chief executive for PeaceHealth Medical Group

Carey Fristoe, BS Chemistry, Class of  2012 – Black Spruce Brewery selected as best Microbrewery/Distillery in 2024 News-Miner Readers Choice Awards

August Droege, PhD Chemistry, Class of 1984 – Moorhead High School To Recognize New Hall Of Honor Members October 5

Chemistry PhD candidate Justin Svendsen receives NIH Fellowship

person wearing a rust-colored sweatshirt

2024 Graduate Student Community Builder Award

We are pleased to announce that Ashley Mapile and Harrison Reid have been awarded this year’s Graduate Student Community Builder Award.

Both Ashley and Harrison have supported an inclusive, supportive, collaborative, and respectful environment within our Department.

Ashley is recognized for important work with the department DEI committee and REU program, among other activities.  She is a member of the Richmond/Scatena and Brozek Labs.

Harrison’s award is in recognition of his efforts in organizing community participation in SACNAS and the Catalyst mentoring programs. He is a member of the Jasti Lab

UO Chemistry and Biochemistry Welcomes Three New Faculty Members

UO Chemistry and Biochemistry is pleased to welcome three new faculty members to the department in 2024!

a smiling person

Dr. Dhiman Ray

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ray completed his PhD at the University of California Irvine working with Prof. Ioan Andricioaei. Subsequently, he held a postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. Michele Parrinello at the Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy. At the University of Oregon, he will continue his work on molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of biological systems like proteins and RNA. The Ray group will develop enhanced sampling and machine-learning algorithms to make MD simulations more accurate and efficient. These computational methods will facilitate the study of the thermodynamics, kinetics, and mechanistic details of complex biomolecular processes. Apart from gaining fundamental knowledge about biological systems, this research will have potential applications in computer-aided drug discovery. 


a smiling personDr. Romila Mascarenhas 

Assistant Professor

Dr. Mascarenhas began her training as a structural biologist under Dr. Dali Liu at Loyola University Chicago, and later pursued postdoctoral training with Dr. Ruma Banerjee at the University of Michigan. Her postdoctoral research focused on the structural enzymology of the human vitamin B12 trafficking pathway, specifically unraveling the mechanisms by which B12 is loaded onto its target enzymes. In her lab, Dr. Mascarenhas continues to investigate the molecular mechanisms of vitamin B12 selectivity and trafficking, with a particular emphasis on microbial communities such as those in the human gut.


a smiling personDr. Paul Kempler

Assistant Professor

Dr. Paul Kempler received his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology where he worked with Prof. Nate Lewis and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis. He moved to the University of Oregon in 2020 to help start the Electrochemistry Masters Internship Program as a Research Assistant Professor and has placed >75 students into careers in the electrochemistry industry. His research efforts have focused on the measurement of ion transfer kinetics in electrochemical reactions and developing a patent-pending process for reducing iron ore to metal using electricity. Broadly, the Kempler group will study electrochemical processes for producing chemicals and materials without the production of greenhouse gas emissions.

2024 Electrochem PNW Conference – Sept 19-20

The joint Oregon Center for Electrochemistry (OCE) annual conference and The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Pacific Northwest Section Fall meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19th and Friday 20th September 2024.

Registration is open and free! 

For details and to register, visit the OCE website.


Flyer with event information



Dissertation Defense – Benjamin Duewell, August 19th

flyer with event information and a picture of a person in a laboratory wearing a light blue lab coat and blue gloves

Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Upcoming Thesis Defense

Benjamin Duewell
Hansen Lab

Monday, August 19th, 2024
1:00pm in 110 Willamette Hall and via ZOOM

contact Chemistry and Biochemistry office for Zoom link

The title of his thesis is
Characterization of mechanisms controlling PIP5K membrane binding and activation

Dissertation Defense – Andrew Swansiger, August 16th

flyer with event information and a photo of a smiling person wearing a black jacket


Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
Upcoming Thesis Defense

Andrew Swansiger
Prell Lab

Friday, August 16th, 2024
1:00pm in 140 Tykeson and via ZOOM
contact Chemistry and Biochemistry office for Zoom link

The title of his thesis is “Fourier Transform Based Analysis of Mass Spectra: Disentangling Mass Heterogeneity and Polydispersity

Up next: Andrew plans are to explore mass spectrometrist positions in biopharma and environmental sciences