Grad Student Brett Israels to compete in Three Minute Thesis Competition

Brett Israels
Brett Israels

Come support UO Chemistry and Biochemistry Grad Student Brett Israels in the Three Minute Thesis Competition!

Wednesday, April 16
6:30-8:00pm in Lawrence 177

Audience members can:

  • Vote for who will advance to the UO Finals
  • Win door prizes
  • Learn about awesome research being done at UO from a wide variety of departments
  • Show support for your participating friends and colleagues

Don’t miss your chance to support Brett and vote for your favorite presentation via text message.  The favorite presenter as selected by the audience will advance to the UO Finals on Wednesday, May 7 for a chance to win $250-$500 and advance to represent UO at the statewide finals on May 17 in Portland with students from OSU, PSU, and OHSU.

UO Chemistry Graduate Student Ellen Robertson Receives Award at 2014 ACS Meeting

Ellen Robertson

UO Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate student Ellen Robertson was the recipient of the American Chemical Society Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry Student Poster Presentation Award at the 247th ACS National Meeting on March 16, 2014, in Dallas, Texas. The award is given in recognition of excellence in research, as presented during the ACS national meeting.

Ellen is doing her research in the Richmond lab, studying the adsorption of polymethacrylic acid to the carbon tetrachloride/water interface.

UO Chemistry and Biochemistry Students Earn NSF Honorable Mentions

Three UO Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate students and one undergraduate were among the recipients of an Honorable Mention from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program’s 2014 competition.

Melissa Hale, Berglund Lab
Field of Study: Life Sciences – Biochemistry

Loni Kringle, Marcus Lab
Field of Study: Chemistry – Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism

Dan Seidenkranz, Haley Lab
Field of Study: Chemistry – Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and Nanochemistry

Richard Cramer, Boettcher Lab
Field of Study: Materials Research – Electronic materials

The program recognizes and supports outstanding students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions.


UO Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty Andy Berglund and grad student Adam Struck in the News!

Andy Berglund and Adam Struck talk about the Bioinformatics Program for an article for the UO’s winter edition of CASCADE magazine.

Bioinformatics is all about big data. The field brings together experts from biology, computer science and mathematics to collect, analyze, manage—and, yes, visualize—today’s tidal wave of biological data.”


UO Graduate Student Research Forum – March 7, 2014

Students talk at last year’s Graduate Research Forum

Fifteen Chemistry graduate students will be among the 170 presenters at the

5th Annual

UO Graduate Student Research Forum

Friday, March 7th

9:00am – 4:30pm in the EMU


Chemistry participants include:

Laura McWilliams – “Climate Change” panel from 1:45-3:00pm in the Maple Room

Poster Session Participants– 12:00-1:30pm in the EMU Ballroom

Douglas Anderson
Ben Armstrong
Matthew Bailey
Elaine deLorimier
Dylan Farnsworth
Mellissa Hale
Matthew Hartle
Josh Lowry
Jacqueline McGrath
Leticia Montoya
Emily Reister
Ellen Robertson
Adam Struck
Luke Wheeler

For more info, visit