Marcus Lab research featured in The Journal of Chemical Physics and Scilight

Photo - Andy Marcus, JCP Cover and SciLight article imageResearch from the Marcus Lab has been selected for the cover of the American Institute of Physics’ January 28th issue of the The Journal of Chemical Physics, and featured in an article in Scilight, published on January 24th.

The research paper, titled Temperature-dependent local conformations and conformational distributions of cyanine dimer labeled single-stranded – double-stranded DNA junctions by 2D fluorescence spectroscopy, was authored by Dylan Heussman, Pete von Hippel and Andrew H. Marcus.


Read the JCP article here:


Read the Scilight article here:


Julia Widom chosen for AHA Career Development Award

Photo: Julia WidomThe American Heart Association has selected UO Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty Julia Widom as a recipient of the AHA Career Development Award. The award supports the early careers of highly promising healthcare and academic professionals as they explore innovative questions or pilot studies that will provide preliminary data and develop their research skills, fostering their future success as a scientist.

The three-year grant will fund Professor Widom’s research using single-molecule fluorescence techniques to study the structure and dynamics of heart-specific long noncoding RNAs linked to disease.  Her work will help guide the development of therapies for conditions that induce cardiac stress.

Read more about Professor Widom’s award at