Final -Winter

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]       Concepts Reflection: Organization The spatial configuration of the incubator center is meant to attract as many people as possible from different groups and backgrounds. Every edge of the project reflects what the adjacent natural…

Midterm -Winter

  [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]     For further developments: Achieve a stronger connection to the “nature & industry roots” concept that I introduced within the metaphor model. Clearly express the soul of the Incubator Center Show more site context…

Midterm 3 Reflection - Wai Ching Cheng

PDF 1 PDF 2 For this midterm pinup, I have presented some elevations that show how the facade will look like, some sections and floor plans that focused on the maker’s space and the museum space. The plan of offices…


work update, just in time for the winter term final pin-up. After spending so much time during fall term researching the site context (planning policies and visions, current and future infrastructure, economic environment, etc) and forming a program that would…

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”] The project started form the Urban Scale, following the Green Loop Development, the project grow in phases. The first phase is the Industrial Maker’s Plaza (IMP), with the District Hall and Maker’s Market. The project takes…

Week 8 Review

In this midterm review, I got lots of useful ideas from reviewers. For my program, the most important thing is to root it onto the site and make it pretty convincing that the program fit the need because it might…

Week 8 Review Reflection

The design process has worked well and led to multiple versions/ideas.  The concept with site planning represents the main ideas and becomes very strong with then focus of water.  This idea of erosion became the topic of discussion and goes hand…

Week 8 2nd Midterm Summary

Thinking about the important feedback and improvements in my project is both excited and stressed. The good part is  that I found some good ways to translate the site and make a dialogue with the environment, such as how to use my…

Week 8 Review

The recent days leading up to the week 8 review were dedicated to exploring vertical density on the northern side of the site. A mixed use component is lofted above the community center, where there are rentable offices and micro…

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