Final Review – Wai Ching Cheng
The Board I enjoyed this final review as well as the process of developing this project a lot. In this final presentation, I have tried to use different new presentation styles, such as perspective sections with a dark background…

Midterm Reflection
Floor Plans Sections Elevations HVAC 3D Perspectives For this pinup section, I have presented the floor plans for every floor, which is being modified and refined to create cleaner spaces. I have also presented two large sections of the building,…

Midterm 3 Reflection – Wai Ching Cheng
PDF 1 PDF 2 For this midterm pinup, I have presented some elevations that show how the facade will look like, some sections and floor plans that focused on the maker’s space and the museum space. The plan of offices…

Portland Midterm Reflection
In this review, I have presented a few perspective sketches of the launching ramp, which is the most special place in this building and the main entrance of the structure. The floor plans are not yet developed too detail yet,…

Metaphor – Wai Ching
In the first version of my metaphor, I would like to represent the different aspect of my program into three similar geometries, each represents the different characteristic and quality of my user space. They are unified together with…