other models
These are some un-edited images of some of a few models I built for this project. The site model (1″=150′) shows some of my urban design ideas, the section model (1/16″=1′) shows the structure and the flow of activities very…

sailboat making (part 2)
I had a lot of fun making this 1/4″=1′ model of Fairlie 55 in the past few months. This boat inspired me throughout the entire design process and every design decision I made relates back to this boat. I started…

Carving Wave (final presentation)
Amin final boards These were the boards I produced for the last pin-up we had for this studio. Board A: This largest board contains critical information about my design from the urban scale to the floor plan details. Site plan…

Sailboat making
I’m in the process of making a 1/4″=1′ sailboat to inspire me and keep me motivated throughout the project.

3rd Midterm (week ten)
site diagrams vintage axon Amin site strip Amin boat making strip I had a great discussion with the reviewers on Thursday. The reviewers appreciated the site analysis and site studies and the inspirations I got from them. The urban design…

2nd Midterm (week eight)
midterm diagrams 1OPT. The most important part of my midterm material is the PDF file called “midterm diagrams 1OPT.” so please open it. It basically shows how I translated the ideas discussed in the previous post in the OMSI site…
![Playing! [discovering and inventing systems]](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/02/IMG_1349-1tvgi1i-150x150.jpg)
Playing! [discovering and inventing systems]
I drilled a grid of holes in a flat piece of plywood, put dowels in random holes, grabbed thin strips of wood, connected the dowels with the wood strips, and watched what happens! It was very interesting to see how…

Getting Inspired
I have finally 100% finalized the program of the project: It is a facility where people learn and make sailboats! So simple! I did a little research and found out that the Willamette River from Oak Grove all the way…

Site Model 1″=150′
This is a site model of Portland’s southwest and southeast waterfronts at 1″=150′. I started making the model towards the end of urban design phase of the studio (week 3). The model features many buildings that don’t exist currently but…

1st Midterm (week three)
For the first two weeks I was tackling some urban design problems in the southeast riverfront. Currently the OMSI site feels like a neglected island blocked by the river on the west and the railway to the east. There is…