[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/06/mubai_final-board_1-1klya7v.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/06/mubai_final-board_2-12egbdx.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/06/mubai_final-board_3-s8m24l.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] [embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/06/mubai_final-board_4-24hevl6.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] This term I focused on structure, HVAC and landscape of my project. For structure, I added diagonal pieces in the roof trusses to resist…
Midterm Review
[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/arch586s16cheng/files/2016/05/3d-view-of-structure-1l4nlbn.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”] This term I mainly worked on structure, I changed 2d steel trusses to 3d trusses to support my roof, use concrete columns and floor slabs. I was troubled with the location to put shear walls because my…

From this midterm review, I got some helpful suggestions about my concept from the UO professors and Xiandai architects from Shanghai. show more perspective about indoor farming. do more analysis about lighting in farming area. use radiation analysis to revise the form…

In this midterm review, I presented my concept about vertical farming, some analysis about massing models, plans, section and several perspective about my space. I think the next step I will make everything more specific and more reasonable. Suggestions be…
Mubai Booklet
More and more young people migrate to cities in ever growing numbers, so grows the concern for the future of agriculture. Prototypes for vertical farms have been developed and seem a likely forecast for our future. According to the site analysis,…