Final Project Documentation


Kellen Thayer


Over the past few terms my project has undergone some drastic design changes. While, the function and program has maintained relatively constant, the form and spatial organization has been fluctuating. The final rendition of my project consists of three major built components; A community center, a massive urban farm infrastructure, and mixed use flex space.


The community center has been the centerpiece of the project since day one. It is intended to sit lightly over the fluctuating wetland. It is intended to allow the wetland to filter air and water naturally at an efficient level. The community center consists of classrooms, kitchens, and greenhouses. These functions provide the community with a source of information and education on applicable environmentalism. The mixed-use space sits within the vertical farm and generates funds for the on-site facilities through rentable offices and housing. The urban farm provides the local community with fresh local food which is an increasing global issue as cities like Portland grow denser.


CLT and polycarbonate extrusions are utilized as low global warming potential materials. The southern facade of the dentist part of the project is screened by the vertical farm infrastructure, shading the mixed use spaces. The gable roofs of the community center capture water and relocate it to treatment facilities, which repurpose the water for bathrooms and irrigation.