


After the final review, I got some useful suggestions. And also got some ideas of how to go on with this concept. my scheme comes from cubes, they are with different scales, 2x2ft, 4x4ft and 12x12ft. 12×12 will be the building part. 2×2 and 4×4 will be furniture and landscape part. also, after the review, in order to make this concept more flexible, I will make some spaces with double or triple floor height. and combine different scale cubes together.

For the façade part, I will use transparent materials, like wood shutter, translucent concrete, to increase the spatial   experience.


the building part and landscape, together with neighbor block design, are all based on the grid system.


the building goes east and west, which make sure south façade get enough sunlight. the building going in steps towards the river, also make the building link to nature.


This project focus on Willamette River ecosystem, users can have a varieties of ways to learn about this river, farming spaces, public learning spaces, exhibitions, and so on.




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