1st Midterm (week three)
For the first two weeks I was tackling some urban design problems in the southeast riverfront. Currently the OMSI site feels like a neglected island blocked by the river on the west and the railway to the east. There is no connection from OMSI to the east side after the train tracks. I’m proposing a much denser neighborhood around OMSI with green corridors every few blocks to cleanse the water run-off from the tracks to the river. The buildings are 3-8 story buildings with a couple of parking garages (colored-in with black inc) to support the car traffic.
For the midterm I took a stab at the some building massing and organization ideas. At this point there is no “system” in play so the drawings are just quick massing ideas. I’m interested in having a three-part building where learning, making, and assembling happens. In the critiques it was suggested that I should be fearless and not so conservative with this project. I should be bold. Another advice was to develop a system before jumping into massing.